Monday, October 26, 2009

A Boggle

I seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place. It kind of seems like some people have made my decisions for me lately and now I'm left with the consequences and don't know what to do about it. I really hope that I don't hurt some people, I really do love everyone's friendship. I just don't think I can be anything more than that though, a friend.

This is rather cryptic but anyone can see what I'm getting at.

It's keeping me up at night though. I guess I just have to pray that God's will be done. I hope everything works out for the best...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I can't seem to shake this depressing feeling, it seems to sneak up on me, especially at night before I go to sleep. Perhaps I should pray against it. Maybe it's cause I'm kinda stressed out these days, I don't really have the best self esteem at the moment.

But enough of that.

The Temper Trap and Republic Of Tigers are two very good bands. I like Temper Trap better though.

I hope I can get enough work in the coming months to afford to live here and simultaneously go to Beach Mission, Godfest and Ohope.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Feliz Navidad


Trying to decide what restaurant to go to on Saturday before Alecia's house warming. Maybe that new Japanese place on Lunn Ave, Hokkaido. Probably the best and most authentic Japanese restaurant I've ever been to. Really good food too.

Been kinda worrying about money since works been quite slow lately, but I just got back paid this morning so I'm sorted for at least another couple of weeks. Hopefully work picks up so I don't have to get another job.

Totally keen for both Godfest and Beach mission. I've stopped eating poopy foods and started exercising again for summer. Tedious work but it'll probably be worth it.

Excited slash unsure slash scared about other things, but here's hoping they go well.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dr. Glass

Those are two EP's that everyone should listen to. They're the Radio Cassette Exchange EP and the Fluorescent Grey EP by Deerhunter. I like them at least. I have the first one on CD if anyone wants to borrow it.


Tairua was good. Brittany needed a change of scenery so I gave her one. Good thing God decided to bless us with good weather too, it made the weekend so much better. I definitely plan on going there again when it gets warmer. Maybe a smaller group though.

Also, had my first big touch of the Holy Spirit in almost forever last night at church. Good times. Spoke in tongues for like 40 straight minutes. I think it's been about 10 months since I last felt God like that, which was Beach Mission. Hopefully this years Beach Mission is even better.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Geese Are Scary

The way they lower their heads and hiss at you is weird. I was always afraid of them as a child. It's also strange how they have teeth. We had fun messing around in Western Springs tonight, the birds got quite a feed. Summer is almost here, it's awesome. Can't wait for Beach Missions and the holiday after. Hopefully we don't have to sleep outside in the dirt again this year.

Small talk small talk small talk.

Monday, October 5, 2009

I'm Bored

Day 9 of my impromptu ‘holiday’. I’m really starting to get worried about my job now, I don’t know how I can properly sustain myself without regular work. I certainly won’t be able to continue to afford living in the flat without an income. I really don’t want to move home…Perhaps it is time I began looking for a new line of work that is actually reliable. I have seen too much OC this past week, I would much rather be out there working.

Besides that, I’ve been in my best mood since ever. For a particular reason that will not be mentioned on the internet. Lets just hope it works out.

Jordy and Oli should be heading here soon, maybe they can entertain me today.

Oh! By the way, pray for my knee!

(I don’t think anyone is reading this)

Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

No, this is not a self involved cry for help. I’m not a lonely, morose whiner…well, most of the time. Nothing like that. I’ve discovered The Smiths. Mostly thanks to watching The OC again. Hey, if Anna and Seth listen to it then it must be good. They’re a pretty awesome band, but I’m looking for a particular song which I have yet to find.

Anyway, enough of that. Lets talk about more important things. Artisan Guns! The snowball is finally off to a solid roll, and I’m hoping it doesn’t stop anytime soon. They’ve been very busy this week with interviews everyday. Their new music video for their debut single Autumn is out this Friday on C4 at 5:00pm. They’ll also be on BfM that morning at 11:20am. Don’t forget to come to the EP Release at Cassette that night also! I’ll be at the merch desk selling shirts and EP’s. Buy a shirt and EP and get it for a better price. A combo of sorts.

I still have yet to write anything musical, though I do still really want to travel that road. I just have no idea how to even start writing a song. Lyrically it’s easy but instrumentally it’s a different story. I can’t play any instruments. Maybe Matt could help me when he gets the time.

My faith (or lack thereof) has not been good as of late, you may have noticed me standing like a zombie/statue during any sort of worship situation, motionless. I think I’m on my back though. Long story short, it’s because I’ve been lonely and I haven’t told anyone. I am choosing to confide in the internet. A cop out I know, but maybe I’ll link this to my facebook.